
Showing posts with the label Motivation

Pollution Facts & Types of Pollution

Pollution Facts & Types of Pollution Pollution is the process of making land, water, air or other parts of the environment dirty and not safe or suitable to use. This can be done through the introduction of a contaminant into a natural environment, but the contaminant doesn't need to be tangible. Things as simple as light, sound and temperature can be considered pollutants when introduced artificially into an environment.  Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million people worldwide, according to  Pure Earth , a non-profit environmental organization. In some of the world's worst polluted places, babies are born with birth defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ points, and life expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases. Read on to find out more about specific types of pollution. Land pollution Land can become polluted by household garbage and by industrial waste. In 2014, Americans produced about  258 million tons of solid waste , accordin

300+ Motivational Quotes To Reach Your Potential Each Day

300+ Motivational Quotes To Reach Your Potential Each Day Motivational quotes can help you reach your potential each day. Sure, they’re just words. But they’re positive words. And if you’re on the verge of giving up or struggling to push yourself to the next level, sometimes that’s just what you need. So whether you’re trying to finish a project, start a new  side hustle , or hit that big life goal, knowing how to motivate yourself can help. So, let’s dive into what is motivation, how to motivate yourself, and the motivational quotes of the day that’ll get you back on track. These motivational quotes will give you the jumpstart your day needs, so don’t forget to bookmark this page.  NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb NeoinWeb Neoi